What is NCERT Books for UPSC: Path to Success

Unlock the path to UPSC success with NCERT books for UPSC. These unassuming textbooks from the National Council of Educational Research and Training hold the key to building a strong foundation for your civil services journey. Explore the answer of your question of "what is ncert books for upsc" in our blog.

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examinations are one of India’s most prestigious and challenging competitive tests. Success in UPSC requires not only diligence but also access to high-quality educational resources. So what is NCERT books for UPSC, they renowned for their standardized and comprehensive content, play a pivotal role in the preparation of UPSC aspirants.

In this article, we will explore the significance of NCERT books for UPSC and how they can be your secret weapon to conquer this formidable examination.

What is NCERT Books for UPSC?

NCERT books are educational resources developed and published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). Established by the Indian government, NCERT is entrusted with the responsibility of crafting textbooks and supplementary materials for schools across India. These books are renowned for their unwavering commitment to delivering standardized, high-quality educational content.

what is ncert books for upsc

Why are NCERT Books Essential for UPSC?

  • Clarity and Simplicity: The language and presentation style of NCERT books for UPSC are simple and straightforward, making complex topics more accessible and understandable for UPSC candidates.
  • Relevance to UPSC Syllabus: A substantial portion of the UPSC syllabus is directly derived from NCERT textbooks. Hence, studying these books is akin to aligning with the examination pattern.
  • Holistic Knowledge Base: UPSC examinations span a vast array of subjects, and NCERT books offer comprehensive coverage of various subjects from class 6 to 12, laying a robust foundation for aspirants.

The Significance of NCERT Books for UPSC

NCERT books hold immense significance in the Indian education system for several reasons:

  • Standardized Curriculum: The content of NCERT books is curated by subject matter experts, ensuring a standardized and well-researched curriculum for students across the nation.
  • In-Depth Knowledge: These books provide a comprehensive understanding of various subjects, fostering a strong foundation in key concepts.
  • Preparation for Competitive Exams: NCERT books are invaluable resources for students preparing for competitive exams like UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) and IAS (Indian Administrative Service). They cover the essential topics required for these exams.
  • Accessible Language: NCERT books for UPSC are written in a simple and easy-to-understand language, making them accessible to students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Illustrative Content: These books contain illustrative diagrams, tables, and examples, enhancing the learning experience.

NCERT Books in Various Languages

What is NCERT Books in Hindi?

NCERT publishes its books in multiple languages, including Hindi, to cater to a diverse linguistic audience. For Hindi-speaking UPSC aspirants, this ensures accessibility to high-quality study materials.

What is NCERT Books in Telugu and Tamil?

Recognizing the importance of regional languages, NCERT has also translated its textbooks into languages such as Telugu and Tamil. This move empowers students in South India who prefer to study in their mother tongue.

ncert books

Effective UPSC Preparation with NCERT Books

  • Concentrated Study: UPSC aspirants often use NCERT books as primary study materials for conceptual clarity. Reading these books methodically can help in building a strong foundation.
  • Focus on Specific Subjects: Identify the subjects and topics that align with the UPSC syllabus and prioritize those for thorough study.
  • Supplementary Material: While NCERT books are excellent for conceptual understanding, complement your preparation with UPSC-specific reference books and current affairs material.

NCERT Books vs. UPSC Exam

  • Comprehensive Coverage: NCERT books cover a significant portion of the UPSC syllabus, particularly for the Prelims and Mains examinations.
  • Foundation Building: They offer a strong foundation for conceptual understanding, which is crucial for answering the diverse and challenging questions posed in UPSC.
  • Enhanced Answer Writing: The clarity and simplicity of NCERT language aid in effective answer writing, a skill critical for success in UPSC Mains.

Beyond NCERT

  • Enrolling in UPSC Coaching: Many aspirants choose to supplement their self-study with UPSC coaching, which provides guidance, test series, and personalized strategies.
  • Practice and Mock Tests: Regular practice, solving previous years’ question papers, and taking mock tests are crucial for honing time management and examination skills.

Where to Find NCERT Books

  • Obtaining Printed Copies
    Printed copies of NCERT books can be purchased from local bookstores, educational supply stores, or online retailers. Many schools also recommend or provide NCERT books to their students.
  • Digital Versions
    NCERT provides free digital versions of its textbooks on its official website, making it convenient for students to access these resources online. Additionally, several educational platforms offer NCERT book PDFs for download.


In Conclusion, NCERT books for UPSC are indispensable assets for UPSC aspirants. They provide a solid foundation, clarity of concepts, and coverage of a substantial portion of the UPSC syllabus.

However, while NCERT books are an invaluable resource, they should be complemented with targeted UPSC coaching and extensive practice. As you embark on your UPSC journey, remember that mastering NCERT books can be your key to success in this challenging examination, bringing you one step closer to your dream career in civil services.

FAQs Related to NCERT Books for UPSC

1. Why are NCERT books considered essential for UPSC preparation?
Answer: NCERT books are considered essential for UPSC preparation because they provide a comprehensive understanding of fundamental concepts, cover a significant portion of the UPSC syllabus, and offer clarity and simplicity in language, making complex topics more accessible for aspirants.

2. Which classes of NCERT books are most relevant for UPSC preparation?
Answer: NCERT books from classes 6 to 12 are relevant for UPSC preparation. However, classes 11 and 12 are particularly significant as they align closely with the UPSC syllabus, especially for subjects like geography, history, economics, and political science.

3. Can NCERT books alone be sufficient for UPSC preparation?
Answer: While NCERT books provide an excellent foundation, they may not be sufficient on their own. Aspirants should complement their study with UPSC-specific reference books, current affairs material, and consider enrolling in UPSC coaching for personalized guidance and practice.

4. Are NCERT books available in languages other than English?
Answer: Yes, NCERT books are available in multiple languages, including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, and more. This ensures accessibility to high-quality study materials for UPSC aspirants from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

5. How can aspirants effectively use NCERT books in their UPSC preparation strategy?
Answer: To effectively use NCERT books, aspirants should study them methodically, focus on specific subjects and topics aligned with the UPSC syllabus, and complement their preparation with UPSC coaching, reference books, and regular practice through mock tests and previous years’ question papers.